Grahame and Elizabeth Martin

Grahame (Innisfail) and Elizabeth (Melbourne) Martin were converted in the 1959 Billy Graham Crusade in Melbourne. After MBI/BCV Bible College training both worked with Asia Pacific Christian Mission between 1966-87 and were involved in church planting, Bible teaching, translation, leadership training and medical work in Papua New Guinea. During this time Grahame wrote a book called Headhunter. In 1986, Grahame was appointed acting-General Secretary of the Evangelical Church of PNG, and in 1987 took up the task of Director of Church Ministries. The Suki language New Testament was published (1982) and numerous other book in the Arufe and Suki languages printed. Grahame lectured at the Christian Leaders Training College (PNG), SMBC (Sydney: 1988-2002), BCV and Tabor (Melbourne). Grahame completed a B.Th. (1980-85) through BCV/Ridley College and Ph.D (2002 at the University of Sydney in anthropology).

During 1988 to 2002, Grahame and Elizabeth have taken many teams of students on cross-cultural mission to evangelize, address problems in the churches, teach the Scriptures and to train young Australians in mission first hand. In December 2002, a group of Christians formed "Train to Teach Ministries Inc" which seeks to train young Australians and PNG nationals. They plan to make trips every year to PNG to implement a tried training program of 'one to one' mutual discipleship, small group ministry, teaching an overview of the Bible and addressing developmental needs of the churches in the Evangelical Church of PNG. During this time the story of God's planting a church among the Arufe area people Fighting to Live was printed. A 11 metre motor cruiser named Peace was bought and used for working with the PNG church in evangelism. A book covering the story of its first trip was printed called Peace. Another book, Wrestling with Crocodiles, recording the Trans-Fly area's culture of crocodile hunting was published.

Grahame also checks nationally translated books of the Bible in the Suki and Arufe languages Train to Teach Ministries prints them so that the many people in these areas can have any Scriptures in their own language. Genesis in the Suki language, was printed in 2013. The Zimakani language New Testament was printed in 2015. Exodus is now being prepared for printing, and with the Gospel of John in the Arufe language will be printed in 2016.